Sometimes I happened to have a festering wound, most often on my
hands. Such a situation usually occurred, if the wound had not been
properly cleaned, disinfected by solution of iodine or eau de
Cologne, and covered with bandage or sticking-plaster in due time,
i.e. immediately after an injury. In such a case, it developed pus,
a white or yellow, thick fluid.
I noticed that the wound-festering process was similar to that of
boil development very much. And even the painfulness was the same.
In fact, the only difference was an explicit penetration of the
morbific substance for the festering wounds from without, in contrast
to the boils, where there was no apparent evidence of such a
penetration. That is why I began treating such wounds in the same
manner as the boils.
All such mini-surgical treatments were always successful. It is
difficult to say how many times I operated on such wounds, perhaps a
dozen of times or so. The last time it was only several years ago.
I did not notice a small wound arisen when working in my garden and
therefore failed to clean, disinfect, and isolate it from the
environment in due time.
I have no doubts that should a new such small wound arise, I shall
excellently cope with it myself, without taking medical advice. In
my opining, taking medical advice regarding such a trifle is not
expedient. Let physicians tackle more difficult cases.
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