
Introduction of Physician for Himself

Hi, I am 66 years old. I made up my mind to become a blogger. Until now I have been only a commentator at other blogs and sites. But such a situation has ceased to satisfy me. There are several reasons hereto. First, I rapidly become a persona non grata at many sites, and one deprives me of any possibility to comment. Second, there are cases when I would like to comment on some information material. But the site that contains such a material does not allow doing it.

The topic of this my first blog is alternative medicine, viz., naturopathy or natural hygiene. In other words, I want to show in using my own example that one can rather successfully cure many diseases by natural or unusual means without resorting to conventional pharmaceutics, surgery or other treatment methods of the official medicine in many cases.

Sure enough, this standpoint contradicts the viewpoint of the official medicine, which insists that only a qualified physician may cure. But my life experience shows otherwise. I shall refer thereto and tell true stories of diseases, whose self-treatment is impossible from the viewpoint of the official medicine.

At my age many people suffer from many diseases and are frequenters of chemists shops. Meanwhile, I do not complain about my health. I visit chemists shops very seldom and by there mainly only sticking-plaster. Moreover, I go in for running and physical culture under open sky, dive into an ice-hole and sleep outdoors in summer and winter (in a sleeping-bag in winter).

I do not recommend making use of treatment methods described by me, but advise everybody to apply to a physician regarding all diseases. As you know, people are very different. A successful treatment for one person may not produce the same result for another person. However, if anybody wants to use one of my methods, he shall be bound to take responsibility for a conceivable failure.

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