

My having become a witness of the successful cure of my aunt's echinococcosis, described in Story 1, is likely to have exerted a profound influence on me. You see that it was not difficult to notice that the surgical treatment, i.e. the dogmatic orthodox treatment by official medicine had been able to ensure the patient's life only for half a year, whereas the non-orthodox and even illegal treatment with per-oral mercury dichloride had given about 20 years of life to the patient. It was a very great difference. Moreover, there was no need to wait for 20 years to elapse because already after half a year it became quite clear that the latter treatment was more efficient than the former.

That is why when having a health problem after having had the above experience I began looking for my own problem solution. At that time I still went to my primary school, but more that half a year has elapsed since the Epopee of fighting the aunt's echinococcosis.

I began having knee pains at night. I suffered from the pains so much that I could not sleep at night. Physicians told me that it was a rheumatism in the knee, but failed to help me.
After all I found a way to cope with the problem myself. I must confess that I have not seen any description of a similar remedy for rheumatic pains of knee joints.

In short, I learnt to get rid of such pains by means of squatting. Every time when I began suffering from such aching in my knee joints, preventing me from sleeping, I got up and did 100 squats. Such a remedy always helped me without failure. Then I went to bed and fell asleep without problems. True, on the next day I always had pains in the leg muscles as a concomitant consequence of my cure. However, it did not trouble me at all. As a matter of fact, the pains in the leg muscles did not hamper my sleep, a discomfort thereof could be hardly compared with the rheumatic pains, they were felt only when moving, and they did not last for a long time, disappearing in several days.

It should be probably noted that the described rheumatic pains occurred from time to time during several years. Every time I applied the remedy invented by me to them. The pain fits took place ever more seldom, until they ceased for ever.

By the way, I do not think that 100 squats were quite indispensable to achieve such a good result. Perhaps less or more squats could also help. But I believe that one should squat as many times as is necessary to give a good load on the muscles. The latter is shown by pains in the muscles on the next day.

Unfortunately, at that time I did not guess that it would have been better to wait for appearance of pains in the knees, but to get ahead of them by regular squatting. But after all I hit upon this idea and began squatting on a regular basis in the morning. It is apparently for this reason that pains in my knees have disappeared and do not return. No pains appear in the leg muscles after 100 squats either. Perhaps it may be accounted for by regular load on the muscles. This experience of an independent and successful cure with the help of physical culture testifies to a favourable influence of physical activities on human health.

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